
Wine of the Month - October 2015

Today we would like to introduce you to a wine that we offer for the first time in the current vintage 2014:




2014 Balthasar Ress "Hallgarten Hendelberg" Riesling, 0,75 l


The Hallgarten Hendelberg is one of the highest positioned vineyards in the Rheingau.


It was extremely difficult ‘till the late 90’s to really fully mature and harvest Riesling grapes here, but due to Climate change the future belongs to this vineyard.


The grapes can perfectly mature on the vine until late November. This results in literally "cool" wines.


The wine is dominated by ripe yellow fruits and an almost aristocratic acidity completes it. Our "Hendelberg" is a traditional, classic Rheingau Riesling and is supported by a discreet but very fine sweetness.


 For further information please click here.

We’ll be happy to send you the complete Balthasar Ress price list as a pdf file on request via Clemens von Eltz.



Members of the trade (wine specialty shops, restaurateurs) should ask about our special terms and conditions. Please contact Clemens von Eltz.





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